Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Expressions of Miami Vacation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Expressions of Miami Vacation - Essay Example The weather is pleasant and a long line of people is seen waiting outside the parrot jungle island. Young children, adolescents, middle-aged people as well as the elderly can all be seen waiting in these lines outside the entrance. There are people who can be distinguished from the locals who are waiting on special tourist counters as they are not aware of the ticket deals that are available at this tourist spot. Despite this rush, it can be accessed that the people waiting in these long lines are not disappointed owing to the lovely weather and the welcoming and warm staff of the parrot island who are organizing and managing the entrance and tickets really well. The situation inside the jungle island is no different and there are a lot of people seen inside as well. Tourists are seen to be moving in groups and some groups have their guides showing them the paths and explaining them the significance of different locations in the park. These tourists seem to be coming from every different corner of the world as they all seem to belong to different countries which can be analyzed by their languages and appearances. A Chinese couple is seen wandering here and there and they are being warmly guided by the locals for the ways and the different spots. Children are seen playing in the park of the island and they seem to be enjoying the atmosphere and the weather as well. Many elderly couples are seen seated on the benches and they are either busy in their conversations or are enjoying the beautiful sceneries around them. Young energetic couples and adolescents are seen moving around from here to there and analyzing and checking every corner of the island.  

Monday, October 28, 2019

Critical Analysis of Quantitative Research Essay Example for Free

Critical Analysis of Quantitative Research Essay The researchers in this experiment aimed to â€Å"Investigate the quantitative differentiation of pulmonary dendritic cells in smoker with or without chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD) to explore the possible role of dendritic cells in smokers suffering COPD† (Yan-wei, Yong-jiang, Xian-sheng, 2010). Dendritic cells (DCs) are inflammatory cells that are considered to be the promoter of immune responses; knowing this the researchers hypothesized that DCs may play an important role in the development of the disease. See more: how to write an analysis Subjects were broken into three groups based on an illness gradient: (control group, smokers without airflow obstruction, and COPD group as determined by the Chinese Society of Respiratory Disease). Samples of alveolar tissue were taken from these three groups and studied using immunohistochemical staining and immunofluorescence confocal laser scanning. The results from the experiment are portrayed using a one-way analysis of variance, Pearson’s r coefficient, graphs, and scatter plots. The conclusion of the data showed that â€Å"The quantity of the DCs significantly increased in smokers with COPD compared with non-smokers or smokers without COPD† (Yan-wei et al., 2010). A critical analysis of this article received a 31.5. The article was well put together and provided many up to date references as resources to give a better understanding of the research. The authors explained their methodologies in great detail and the production of their data was concise and easy to read. However, the study lacked when it came to representing a diverse population. The study also lacks in terms of providing evidence of the consent of the subjects and the evidence of the governing body of the experiment. The research that was done in this experiment allowed scientist to develop new hypotheses concerning dendritic cells and their role in chronic diseases such as COPD. The links that were made with this research between dendritic cells, lung capacity, and cigarette smoke could potentially be the forefront of new treatments and earlier diagnoses for COPD victims. References Yan-wei, S., Yong-jian, X., Xian-sheng, L. (2010). Quantitative differentiation of dendritic cells in lung tissues of smokers with and without chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Chinese Medical Journal, 123(12). Retreived from

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Essay example --

Statement of Purpose We are accessible only to a limited quantity of resources around us. Considering the current usage and availability of resources, it has become very important for us to use them as wisely as possible. As an industrial engineer my aim is to find ways to eliminate wastefulness and enhance the efficiency of the process or service being provided. I would like to enhance my knowledge and in order to achieve this, I wish to pursue my Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering at the Arizona State University. I aspire to do my PhD after my Masters to fulfil my long term career goal of carrying out postdoctoral industrial research while becoming a tenured professor. Throughout, my inclination has always been towards academics and I consistently strive to achieve the best. I attended one of the best schools in my city, National Public School, Bangalore. Be it in school or my college, I have always been very enthusiastic about learning something new. In 2010, I started my undergraduate degree course in Industrial Engineering and Management in the prestigious M.S. Ramaiah ...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Rural Non-Farm Economy

The Rural Non-farm Economy The nonfat economy includes all economic activities other than production of primary agricultural commodities. Nonfat, thus, includes mining, manufacturing, utilities, construction, commerce, transport and a full gamut of financial, personal and government services. Corresponding – the transformation of raw agricultural products by milling, packaging, bulking or transporting – forms a key component of the rural nonfat economy.A broad definition of rural regions as encompassing both dispersed rural settlements as well as the functionally linked rural towns where any corresponding and ancillary nonfat service and commercial activities congregate to service surrounding agricultural settlements. Size: Policy interest in the rural nonfat economy arises in large part because of its increasing importance as a source of income and employment across the developing world. Evidence from a wide array of rural household surveys suggests that nonfat income accounts for about 35 percent of rural income in Africa and roughly 50 percent in Asia and Latin America.Standing roughly 20 percent higher than rural nonfat employment shares, hose income shares confirm the economic importance of part-time and seasonal nonfat activities. Rural residents across the developing world earn a large share of their income?35-50 percent?from nonfat activities. Agricultural households count on nonfat earnings to diversify risk, moderate seasonal income swings, and finance agricultural input purchases, whereas landless and near-landless households everywhere depend heavily on nonfat income for their survival.Over time, the rural nonfat economy has grown rapidly, contributing significantly to both employment and rural income growth. Income data, which include earnings from seasonal and part-time activity, offer a more complete picture of the scale of the ERNE. Rural nonfat employment holds special importance for women. Women account for about one-quarter of t he total full time ERNE workforce in most parts of the developing world. Given their frequently heavy household obligations and more limited mobility, women also participate in part-time ERNE activity, particularly in household-based manufacturing and service activities.Composition: The rural nonfat economy includes a highly heterogeneous collection of trading, crisscrossing, manufacturing, commercial and service activities. Even within the same country, strong differences emerge regionally, as a result of differing natural resource endowments, labor supply, location, infrastructural investments and culture. The scale of individual rural nonfat businesses varies enormously, from part-time self-employment in household-based cottage industries to large-scale corresponding and warehousing facilities operated by large multinational firms.Often highly seasonal, rural nonfat activity fluctuates with the availability of agricultural raw materials and in rhythm with household labor and fina ncial flows twine farm and nonfat activities Remittances account for a large share of rural income in some locations. In the mining economies of Southern Africa, remittances may account for as much as half of all rural household income. They likewise form an important part of household income diversification and risk reduction strategies.In of nonfat earnings, while remittances and transfers typically account for to 20% of non-agricultural rural income and 5% to 10% of total rural income. Equity Implications: The extreme heterogeneity of rural nonfat activity results in widely varying productivity and profitability. Returns vary substantially, normally as a function of differing physical and human capital requirements. Women dominate many of the low-return cottage industries, while the poor dominate other low-return activities, such as small-scale trading and unskilled wage labor used in construction, powering, and many personal services.Wage labor, in both agriculture and nonfat bu siness, also accrues primarily to the poor. The low capital requirements and small scale of many rural nonfat businesses, poor households dominate large segments of the rural nonfat economy. For this reason, many policy makers view the rural inform economy (ERNE) as a potentially important contributor to poverty reduction. Pull Scenario: Where new agricultural technologies and modern farm inputs become available, they lead to agricultural surpluses in some commodities and increased opportunities for trade.In these settings, a growing agriculture stimulates growth of the ERNE through a number of key linkages. Rising labor productivity on the farm increases per capita food supplies and releases farm family workers to undertake nonfat activities. For this reason, green revolution India has seen agricultural labor all from 75% to 65% of rural labor force in the first 25 years following the release of green revolution rice and wheat varieties. Equally important, increases in farm incomes , together with high rural savings rates, make capital available for investment in nonfat activities.These savings rates have reached up to 25-35% in many areas of green revolution Asia Farm households, as their incomes grow, increase their expenditure share on non-food items, thereby accelerating demand for nonfat goods and services. To meet this growing demand, rural households increasingly versify into production of rural nonfat goods and services. The composition of rural nonfat activity changes perceptibly over time in these buoyant agricultural settings. Increases in real wages raise the opportunity cost of labor, thereby making low-return nonfat activities uneconomic.This leads to the demise of many low- return craft and household manufacturing activities and to the growth of higher- return nonfat activities such as mechanical milling, transport, commerce, personal, health and educational services. Growing agricultural incomes attract labor into more productive, higher return rural nonfat services. Push Scenario: In regions without a dynamic economic base, patterns of growth in the rural nonfat economy unfold very differently. Sluggish income growth in agriculture leads to anemic consumer demand, limited corresponding and agricultural input requirements and stagnant wages.Taken together, these tendencies stymie both entrepreneurial and wage-earning opportunities in the rural nonfat economy. Without technological advance in agriculture, labor productivity and per capita farm production fall. In such settings, growing landlines pushes labor force increments into nonfat activity by default. Falling agricultural labor productivity, low opportunity cost of labor and declining household purchasing power induce diversification into low-return, labor- intensive nonfat activities such as basket making, gathering, pottery, weaving, embroidery and mat making.Specialized nonfat enterprises and households opportunities in agriculture and a shortage of both rural sav ings and invertible capital. Arbitration and Migration: Although the prosperity of rural regions and their rural nonfat economies typically depends on agricultural performance during the early stages of economic growth, this link gradually weakens over time as agriculture's share in national economies declines.Rapid arbitration and globalization have opened up new market opportunities for rural nonfat producers of treatable goods and services and for rural workers to migrate and remit. Where conditions permit, these opportunities can stimulate regional economic growth, in some instances benefiting backward regions with poor agricultural potential and in others enhancing opportunities in already rapidly growing rural economies.Rising arbitration and national economic growth, together with improved transport and communication networks, provide important economic linkages between urban and rural areas, opening up new opportunities for rural households Evidence from India, for example, suggests that rapid rural nonfat growth is occurring along transport corridors linked to major urban centers, largely independent of their agricultural base Similarly, in Southeast Asia and in China high population density and low transport costs have led to rapid growth in urban-to-rural subcontracting for labor- intensive manufactures destined for international export markets.The importance of migration and remittance income proves highly context-specific, varying both locations and over time. Empirical evidence suggests that migrant remittances may serve to increase rural investment, finance schooling, house construction and agricultural inputs in some locations. Less beneficial are the impacts on migrant worker health and on family social cohesion. Liberalizing and Globalization: Beginning in the sass, widespread economic liberalizing has opened up the rural nonfat economy as never before – to new opportunities and to new threats.Liberalizing, by reducing direct governmen t involvement in production and marketing, has opened up new market opportunities for the private sector, articulacy in agricultural processing, input supply and trade. Relaxed controls on foreign exchange and investment have unleashed a flood of foreign direct investment into Latin America, Asia and Africa. As a result, large exporters, agribusiness firms and supermarket chains increasingly penetrate rural economies of the developing world, altering the scale and structure of rural supply chains as they do.This rapidly changing environment opens up opportunities for some rural suppliers to access new markets. But liberalizing and globalization expose other rural genuineness to new threats, as quantity requirements and quality standards impose new ways of doing business that risk excluding intellectualized rural enterprises on which the rural poor often rely. Available evidence suggests that rapid concentration has triggered the bankruptcy of thousands of small firms in recent decad es.Although many of these bankruptcies affected urban traders, emerging evidence suggests that small rural traders and the wholesale markets they serve likewise risk being displaced by larger, specialized wholesalers. Some categories of rural nonfat activity have thrived in the past because of protection from outside intention by high transport costs, restrictive production policies subsidized inputs and credit, and preferential access to key markets Globalization and market transition may prove brutally abrupt for many traditional small-scale manufacturing activities whose products cannot compete with higher quality, mass-produced goods.For this reason, the initial stages of depreciation can lead to significant Job losses in the ERNE, even though many of these may later be recovered as new types of rural nonfat activity sprout up, as in India during the sass. Since poor households and male-dominated activities predominate among the low-investment, low-productivity rural nonfat acti vities, they tend to face the most difficult adjustment during this transition. Agriculture has historically played an important role in expanding the economic base of rural regions in the developing world.In regions where agriculture has grown robustly, the ERNE has also typically enjoyed rapid growth. Regions with poor agricultural potential have seen more limited prospects for rural nonfat growth, except in places where the availability of other important rural treatable such as mining, logging, and entree ¶t trade offer an alternative economic platform for sustaining regional growth. In recent years, globalization, arbitration and improved infrastructure have opened up new opportunities in many rural areas, thereby reducing their dependence on agriculture.These developments seemingly offer new prospects for stimulating rural economic growth and, perhaps, new pathways out of poverty. Policymakers hold high hopes that rural nonfat growth can offer a pathway out of poverty for a large segment of the rural poor. Given the enormous diversity observed across rural regions and within the rural nonfat economy itself, opportunities, constraints, and appropriate policies will clearly differ across settings. Although general guidelines cannot substitute for detailed understanding of a specific rural nonfat setting, several broad policy guidelines do emerge from this review.Available evidence suggests the rural nonfat economy can significantly expand economic opportunities for the rural poor if two conditions hold. First, the rural nonfat economy must itself be growing robustly. Both rural nonfat employment and income per worker must be growing if nonfat growth is to contribute effectively to poverty reduction. Typically, this growth in the rural nonfat economy requires investments in the productive capacity and productivity of activities related to rural treatable, such as agriculture, tourism, or natural resource-based activities, in order to ensure their competit iveness in external markets.Alternatively, where low-cost rural labor and low transportation costs coincide, rural households can sometimes compete in urban or export markets through commuting, short-term migration, or urban-to-rural subcontracting arrangements. From a policy perspective, accelerating output and productivity Roth in the rural economic base will require investing in agricultural technology, rural education, communications, transportation, and electrification.Together with a favorable policy environment, these investments encourage rural nonfat business development as well as short-term commuting and migration strategies, both of which serve to increase rural nonfat incomes and investment. But a growing rural nonfat economy does not guarantee access by the poor. Wealthy households, well- endowed with financial, human, and political capital, often prove better equipped to sake advantage of growth in the high-productivity segments of the rural nonfat economy, both as en trepreneurs and as wage employees.Meanwhile, poor backwaters of the rural nonfat economy. Migration opportunities likewise remain bifurcated, with highly educated households more apt to land lucrative positions in towns. Thus, policymakers cannot assume that an expanding rural nonfat economy will translate automatically into pro-poor growth. This bifurcation leads to the second requirement for pro-poor rural nonfat growth: access by the poor to growing nonfat market niches.For nonfat earnings to offer a pathway out of poverty, rural households and policymakers may need to invest in rural education and health in order to improve the human capital stock of the poor. At the same time, policymakers will need to remove economic and social barriers that limit poor people's entry into lucrative nonfat professions. Fluid labor markets, with good transportation and communication systems connecting rural households to regional and urban labor markets, will provide a key bridge linking the rur al poor to growing opportunities in the nonfat economy.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Race and ethnicity in the United States Census Essay

The media is an industry where the competition is intense and it has been used by the government individuals, organizations, institutions, society, and family etc. for various purposes. However, due to the increasing competition in the industry, many at times the functions and duties which the media owes to the society are significantly overlooked. There are various functions of the media some will be discussed later on in this paper. The aim of the media has to a fearfully large extent shifted from fulfilling its roles to the society, rather their focus is often on how much entertainment they can offer to their audience and how much money they can make and how quickly they can make it. Entertainment and money making is definitely key in the existence, survival and growth of this industry, nevertheless, this should not be achieved by inappropriately portraying a group’s identity in any form. DEFINITION OF KEY TERMS Construction – To make or create, by putting together ideas, components or arguments. Group Identity – This refers to a person’s sense of belonging to a group. Media- Are communication channels through which news, entertainment, education, data or promotional messages are disseminated. Media includes every broadcasting and narrow casting medium such as newspapers, magazines, TV, radio, billboards, direct mail, telephone, fax and internet (business dictionary, 2015). THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK SOCIAL IDENTITY THEORY BY TAJFEL & TURNER (1979) This theory was propounded in order to understand the psychological reasons and basis for inter- group discrimination. The components of this theory goes thus: Categorization- This is the process of putting ourselves and others into categories, our self-image is associated with the categories we belong to. Identification – This is the process by which we associate ourselves with certain groups of people. Nevertheless there are some groups we don’t want to be identified with (out groups) and there are some we would want to be identified with (in groups). Comparison- This is the process through which we compare our groups with other groups, thereby creating a positive bias towards the groups in which we are members of. This aspect of this work will focus on two salient functions of the media amidst the various ones there are. Social heritage function- The onus lies on the media to transmit positive racial and ethnic values about every existing race and ethnic group. The act of highlighting and spotlighting the various negativities of races and ethnic groups should be avoided. Surveillance function- This is the duty the media owes to the society in circulating news and information when necessary, the media is responsible for providing information about events. THE CONSTRUCTION OF GROUP IDENTITY BY HOLLYWOOD (A STUDY OF THE LATINO RACE) There are five acclaimed races in the world: 1) Mongoloid (Asian and American Indian) 2) Caucasoid (European) 3) Australoid (Australian and oceanic) 4) Negroid (East African black). 5) Capoid (South African black) The Latinos could be said to belong to the Mongoloid race and most of the 315 million people who live in the United States of America are either immigrants or have ancestry to another country. In actual fact, the only truly American people are the Native ones. This country is based on the idea of migration in pursuit of a better social and economic life. According to U. S. Census Bureau (2012), there are roughly 52 million Hispanics/Latinos living in the United States, representing approximately 16. 7% of the total population of United States of America, and making them the nation’s largest ethnic minority. Among Hispanic subgroups, Mexicans rated as the largest at 63%, followed by Puerto Ricans (9. 2%), Cubans (3. 5%), Salvadorans (3. 3%), Dominicans (2. 8%), and the remaining 18. 2% were Colombians, Guatemalans, Portuguese, Honduras, Ecuadorians, Peruvians, Brazilian. The main reason for their migration has been either that they are politically endangered or have financial problems. For instance the Cubans who ended up in America wanted to escape from the political conditions in their country. Escaping from the communist government practiced in Cuba, they were considered as ‘political refugees’ in America for three and a half decades until 1995. As a result of America’s opposition to the Cuban government, they were treated in America better than almost any other ethnic group. This has also been partly because of their high level of education and professionalism before migration (Martins, 2006 as seen in Mousavi & Sadeghi, 2013). Latinos, Mexicans in particular, mostly live in the Southwest; almost half in California and Texas. Puerto Ricans are mostly in the East and Cubans are in Florida. According to the U. S. Census Bureau, legal Hispanic household income is only 75 percent of White American income. There is also a high rate of poverty and unemployment among them, and their socio economic status is at a low level. The cause for this situation is partially their jobs being the lowest paid ones, their low education level, and employment discrimination (Camarillo and Bonilla, 2001). They are present in the news, advertisements, election campaigns, political debates, television and films. The common major feature that is present in all of these portrayals is the problems related to them that should be solved and not to be glorified, exaggerated or exploited by Hollywood. Before now African Americans were more likely to be portrayed as domestic workers in Hollywood. African Americans played major roles in television sitcoms such as â€Å"Beulah† in the 1950’s and â€Å"Gone with the wind† in 1939. In recent times Latinos have increasingly replaced African Americans as Hollywood domestics. Hollywood has presented an incorrect reality of the Latino people to the American people and to the world at large, it has exaggerated a poor image of this particular race. Although the Latinos who live in America get more roles to play in Hollywood, most of these roles are mentioned in the next paragraph. The Latino female is often presented as a temptress, vamp, lustful, promiscuous, unfaithful, manipulative, of loose morals or submissive at times in relation to a white male fantasy, low class, serving the whites. A list of Ten Latino Female artists who have played the role of a maid in Hollywood Movies/series. Jennifer Lopez – Maid in Manhattan, 2002 Aida Linares- Clueless, 1995 Lupe Ontiveros- As good as it gets, 1997 (She has played an estimate of 150 maid roles on television). Consuela-Family Guy, 2005-till present Nadine Valesquez-My name is Earl, 2005-2009 Paz Vega- Spanglish, 2004 Kate Del Castillo- La misma Luna, 2007 Adriana Barraza- Babel, 2006 Catalina Saavedra, The maid, 2009 Roselyn Sanchez, Devious Maids, 2013- till present Pania Ramirez – Devious Maids, 2013 till present THE MEDIA, DIVERSITY AND SOCIAL CHANGE INITIATIVE (MDSCI)’S SIX YEAR STUDY REVEALS SOME STATISTICS. Among the racial and ethnic groups studied in the Media, Diversity, and Social Change Initiative’s report, released August 2014, Latinos made up only 4. 9% of movie characters across 100 of 2013’s top-grossing films. According to the U. S. Census Bureau’s estimates, there are roughly 52 million Latinos in the U. S. as of July 1, 2011, or just over 16% of the current U. S. population. That number is on track to reach 132. 8 million — or about 30% of the U. S. population — by July 1, 2050. LATINOS THAT ARE DEPICTED IN TOP-GROSSING MOVIES ARE MOSTLY NAKED. While the study does note that â€Å"Hispanic females (37. 3%) were more likely to be featured in popular films than were white females (29. 6%) or Asian females (32%),† Latinas are also more likely than females among any of the other groups studied (37. 5%, to be precise) to be shown partially dressed or nude on the big screen. LATINOS ARE ALSO HIGHLY LIKELY TO BE SEXUALIZED. The sexualization of Latinos does not stop with women. Latino men were the most likely among the studied groups (16. 5%) to be depicted wearing â€Å"tight, alluring or revealing clothing. † DANGERS OF THE NEGATIVE PORTRAYAL OF RACE & ETHNICITY BY THE MEDIA ?Since there is a tendency to believe what is represented or depicted by the media; as particular races or ethnic groups are often negatively portrayed, others who are not acquainted with such group of people are bound to believe they are actually the way the media has presented them. ? Another danger of negative portrayals of race/ethnic groups by the media is that the younger ones from such groups may not be able to see themselves better than the way the media has portrayed them. For example if a race is continually depicted as a maid or as vulgar murderer the younger generation of such groups may not see anything wrong with being that way and could actually end up as same. ? This particular race have existing challenges of employment, poor education; the continuous depictions as such does not help solve these problems, but only worsens them. ?It could be difficult for people who are negatively portrayed to keep relationships with or amongst other races who are depicted as superior to them. THE NOLLYWOOD CONSTRUCT OF ETHNICITY (A STUDY OF THE YORUBA, AND NORTHERN NIGERIANS) The founding fathers of Yoruba films in Nigeria i. e. Herbert Ogunde, Moses Olaiya (Baba Sala) Based their works on the constructive values of the Yoruba ethnic group without leaving their audience entertained. In recent times Nollywood has neglected the transfer of social heritage function in the production of Yoruba films. More often than necessary abusive statements, raining of curses and the invention of such and rascality has been synonymous with Yoruba films. The very rich Yoruba culture which the world could learn from is often being tarnished by our film industry. However there are various Yoruba producers who focus on spreading the positivity of the Yoruba culture i. e. Tunde Kelani, Tade Ogidan, Yinka Afolayan. Men from the Northern part of Nigeria are also often times portrayed as either a gateman or the security man of a well-established family. The character who could actually be Yoruba speaks like a man from the north to convince the audience that the gateman is a man from the Northern part of the Country. Little does Nollywood know that many of the gatemen in Lagos which I can speak for are not even Nigerians. I have observed that most of the gatemen/security men in reality are actually from Niger Republic many of them look like Nigerian Northerners, are able to speak Hausa language but they are not Nigerians. RECOMMENDATIONS ? Every race has some sort of value and norms that could be positive, the media should hereby seek out such and spread them. ?The media needs to respect the fact that every human person has dignity and should be portrayed as such. ?They never should never assume that a particular race or ethnicity is less than the other, regardless of the socio economic status of such groups. ?The media should seek to solve the challenges faced by some races and ethnic groups rather than exploit them. ?The media should be reminded that they are socially responsible to the society, thus they should be mindful of what they feed the society with.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

2018-2019 LSAT Test Dates

2018-2019 LSAT Test Dates If you are registering for the LSAT in the United States, Canada, or overseas, you need to know the 2018-2019 LSAT test dates. The table lists the test dates, as well as when regular registration closes and score release dates where available. 2018-2019 LSAT Test Dates: North America Most of the dates in the table are open to all applicants. However, LSAT test dates marked with a ** are for Sabbath observers only. Those tests have been moved to a different day of the week for those unable to take the test on a Saturday for religious reasons. The  LSAC, the organization that administers the test, has not released registration and score-release dates for all test dates as of March 2018. Those instances are noted as TBA. Test Date and Time Regular Registration Closes Score Release Dates Monday, June 11, 201812:30 p.m. Oct. 18, 2017 Jan. 4, 2018 Monday, July 23, 201812:30 p.m. Dec. 27, 2017 March 8 2018 Wednesday, Sept. 5, 20188:30 a.m. ** TBA TBA Saturday, Sept. 8, 2018 8:30 a.m. TBA TBA Saturday, Nov. 17, 20188:30 a.m. TBA TBA Monday, Nov. 19, 2018 8:30 a.m. ** TBA TBA Saturday, Jan. 26, 20198:30 a.m. TBA TBA Saturday, March 30, 20198:30 a.m. TBA TBA Monday, April 1, 2019 8:30 a.m. ** TBA TBA Monday, June 3, 201912:30 p.m. TBA TBA Monday, July 19, 20198:30 a.m. TBA TBA LSAT Overseas Test Dates You can also take the LSAT outside of North America. Check with the  LSAC  for instructions test takers need to know, registration fees and dates, test times, and other frequently asked questions. Test Date and Time Locations Sunday, June 24, 2018 Australia and New Zealand Saturday, June 23, 2018 Europe, Middle East, and Africa Sunday, June 24, 2018(Asia) Asia Monday, June 11, 2018 South America, Central America, and Mexico Monday, July 23, 2018 South America, Central America, and Mexico Registration and Testing Help Before you register for a specific test date, familiarize yourself with important  LSAT registration  facts, including details like getting accommodations, testing under special circumstances, and test center locations. And, review  LSAT test-taking tips  to learn information about the test itself such as test sections and scoring. Then sharpen your skills with  LSAT  test practice, which will give you a quick LSAT quiz to test your mettle. You can register to take the LSAT by contacting the LSAC by  phone, via email, or through snail mail.   Future Plans The  Princeton Review  calls the LSAT the dinosaur of graduate school admission exams (because) it’s still exclusively a paper-and-pencil test. So, youll still need to bring your No. 2s to take the exam, at least through the end of 2018. The Princeton Review also notes that the LSAC has started a pilot program, where volunteers take five 35-minute sections using a tablet. Participants do not receive LSAT scores, but they receive a $100 gift cards.  PowerScore, a test-preparation service, says that the initial test took place in the spring of 2017, but the LSAC is still working on instituting tablet-based testing. When computer testing is put in place, test takers will be able to take the exam on Andriod tablets, and some of the features on the test will include large text, high-contrast text, touch-and-hold delay, magnification gestures, color inversion, and color correction. LSAC also lists scratch paper as being provided, so it seems the stylus may not be the sole means of notation, says PowerScore.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Privacy Issues and Monetizing Twitter

Privacy Issues and Monetizing Twitter Problems Faced by Twitter Trio A twitter is a social internet site, which allows users to send short text messages with a limit of 140 characters. The short messages are called tweets, and a twitter user seeks to have many followers as possible. Twitter users have been faced by many security problems, which is a threat to the Twitter trio.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Privacy Issues and Monetizing Twitter specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Some of these problems are caused by links that are found on the twitter page. Some links directs users to unknown destinations. These links have commands for downloads which might destroy an individual’s or company’s data. More so, the links directs a user to malicious user’s sites. Some cookies are designed to be destructive because when it is saved on the hard disk it destroys useful information or data. According to Ivey (2011), tweets written by users can also be searched using Google. This is a risk because the users feel that their tweets are being followed by investigators and hence they fear expressing their views in detail. Hackers have been able to follow tweets from users, hence hacking passwords and interfering with private information, especially when it leads to a company’s sensitive information. Since anyone is able to follow and see what users are commenting, competitors have been able to follow up company’s secrets and at times even financial and investors information. Since twitter users accounts enables them to follow other peoples accounts, hackers also create accounts and follows many users, hence the users follow them too without knowing whether the accounts are for malicious use. These malicious people enter the twitter network and seek to damage it as long as they follow thousands of the social network users. As compared to other website accounts like Facebook, when you sign up an account, it is ver ified through the email address that a user has provided, but when you sign up a Twitter account, it does not verify the account through the email address that has been provided. This has enabled spammers to create some fraudulent networks and accounts on twitter. It is recommended that personal information should not be added on Twitter because people can monitor user’s activities; there are cases where people have been robbed because of twitting their movements and activities, which led to buglers easily monitoring them. Despite the fact that a tweet is real time, destructive leaks of information about a company or an individual can travel all over the world in just seconds. This can damage a reputation which has been earned for years.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Shelly, Napier, and Rivers (2009) argue that Twitter unlike Facebook has many limitations because it allows a user to upload only one small picture. This is a major challenge to the three partners. Twitters interface is not friendly because when a user signs up for the first time, it is not easy to know what to do next. As compared to other social networks, people struggle to have many followers and hence it creates some competition and it is sometimes not easy for a new user to get followers. It is advisable for a user to consider both advantages and disadvantages before signing up on twitter as a social network. Data Privacy on the Internet and Threat to Privacy Although the Internet has made communication easy with information and other activities meant for entertainment, security about the data storage use in the Internet has become a major concern because it is not easy to tell whether malicious people can access personal information. Other issues are whether the websites visited are safe and how hackers can access a website data. The security threats are a major is sue because many Internet users have been exposed to security threats. These threats may be instructions that are created by malicious persons and are designed to spread in the internet and cause damages to data on unprotected websites. Hackers access the systems through codes generated by programming operating systems (Laudon Laudon, 2010). Employers are now searching for information about the applicants on Twitter and other social networks without the applicant’s knowledge. Some are disqualified because of posting nude pictures and abusive messages on the social networks. There are cases where an employer rejected some applicant’s letters because they had posted discriminatory messages about racism. Data on social sites like Twitter and Facebook are difficult to delete, unless there is substantial privileges. There is a time when the President of the United States Barrack Obama warned high school students about what they post on Facebook. The president believes that it is possible to access even deleted data on people’s accounts after many years. Many websites like PleaseRobMe has been developed to discourage those who access people’s private data, the hackers might fear that they are being tracked. Data can be altered by malicious persons when being sent from one site to another. Viruses can also be a risk to private data because they can infect a computer. These viruses are passed on by storage devices such as flash disks which affect the networked computers. They are mostly programs which are created by people for destruction purposes.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Privacy Issues and Monetizing Twitter specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Some have ability to replicate many times and clash the network system. These viruses include Trojan horse and spyware. Worms affects the performance of the computer and the system risks losing data. Some of these are meant to track a company’s data (Laudon Laudon, 2010). Data loss or privacy violation is either caused by human or machine error. The Internet has made communication easy in organizations whose branches are separated by geographical factors. With all the company’s information flowing from one computer to another through the Internet, secure transfer of data is an issue that has not been fully addressed. Companies have failed to protect or monitor their data workflows and it has become susceptible to damage or illegal access. Internet users are also exposed to commercial advertisers when they give their personal information upon filling forms provided by some sites in the internet. The Internet technology has enabled advertisers to analyze and take peoples personal information. Users are usually not aware that their personal information is being accessed as well as unauthorized tracking of internet activities (Stair Reynolds, 2008). Website managers or operators are capable of storing information about people who have visited the website. There are instances where users are supposed to input their personal information to access the websites. The information is then stored in a database which keeps on recording those who have visited the website. When the user’s information is profiled without the user’s knowledge, it raises privacy concerns. It is even worse if a company decides to profile employee’s health records on their website. When organizations fail to hide their unused data in a correct way, employees and other hackers may access its private information or it might be used in lawsuits. Moreover, shopping at the internet has raised a security concern since users fear that their personal information might be used in corrupt ways. Twitters Legal Requirements Twitter has failed in some of its legal requirements that govern its operations because some of organizations sensitive data such as investors and monetary data have been gi ven away through tweets (Ivey, 2011). Organizations important information is being leaked through these online tweets. Information such as patients details, which doctors keep on their computers or phones can be stolen and displayed on other social networks like Facebook or Google. Since these mobile phones or computers may not be encrypted, unauthorized persons can easily access data. Likewise, since Twitter is used around the globe, it has faced security privacy issues since each country has its own laws and the extent to which personal data is protected.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More According to Twitter, children under the age of 13 are not allowed to have a Twitter account. However, Twitter has not been able to follow who uses its services, and hence children, even as young as 9 years, are on the social network, which exposes them to dreadful comments from Twitter users. Additionally, Twitter has not been able to manage on who uses their network and it has violated laws that govern the creation of interactive sessions of celebrities where those who join the interactive session can obtain the celebrities private information without consent from the owner. Data mining is a threat to users because Twitter stores personal information without authority from its users, although this has assisted the legal enforcers to get criminals by assessing behavior patterns in a given area. Shelly, Napier, Rivers (2009) suggest that this indicates that Twitter has not been able to secure personal information because they do not have systems that protect access to user’s data. Ford motor company is an example whose data was hacked. Its data contained customer’s information such as their account numbers, transactions details and address number. How Customers/Users React to Twitter’s Proposal to Mine Its Clients’ Data Ivey (2011) conforms that although data mining would increase Twitters revenue, customers would not want their data to be mined and especially those who would not like other users to access their private data. Some of the users would quit Twitter and create accounts in other social networks like Facebook, but it is not clear whether data is fully deleted when a user deactivates the account. Like in the case of Facebook, when a user deactivates his/her account, the data is still accessible. However, some may be positive about data mining because some of the user’s main aim on Twitter is to read other users opinions, facts, and comments. The users can access and read other people’s feelings about a given topic, but some of the information might mislead them. Some users will also be able to read information about companies of their interest, especially when doing research. Data mining will be to the advantage of companies or users who are doing business and are customer focused. It will enable them to know the goods mostly consumed by customers because they will be able to access transactional history. According to Stair and Reynolds (2008), data is accessible since it is stored in classes of related groups; for example, in hotels, customer transaction data is recorded to identify the time that customers visit more and what they order most. When data is stored in clusters, it shows similar market sections. It can also be stored in a sequence to guides in customer’s behavior patterns. For example, Midwest grocery was able to study their customers buying patterns. This company arrived to a conclusion that men came on Thursdays and some on Saturdays to buy diapers and they also bought beer. When the retailer found out those men bought diapers together with beer, they kept the bear close to the diapers on Thursdays and Saturdays. Data mining will also assist the users find financial organizations with loan and credit data. The financial institution can compare its customer’s qualities and assess the risks of loans granted (Laudon Laudon, 2010). Monetizing Twitter According to the Twitter trio, both Microsoft and Google have many plans to monetize Twitter. They are planning to license Twitter’s real time search, and the company is hoping to make more money. Google and Microsoft will list billions of tweets, which are posted in monthly basis. Twitter should also come up with profile upgrades. These profiles will attract members who will also pay a fee for the upgrade, and Twitter and its marketers will get monetary gains. Twitter should also increase the number of characters because its limit is 140 words and create more space for photos to att ract more users. This is because many sport fans and other Twitter users are relying on the company’s services (Miller, 2010). Twitter should create more room for biographic data or seek assistance from Google since many users prefer amore friendly social site like Facebook, which allows a user to see friend’s photos and to upload many photos and store them on albums. Ivey (2010) conforms that, just like Google and Yahoo, Twitter should seek to become a search engine. It will earn money when customers search for services and products. When, for example, a Twitter user posts a question about where to get a certain commodity, followers will reply while also informing others who might want to buy such commodities in future. Twitter should also include tweets for job search, whereby the users are capable of posting their resumes. When users pay a fee to access the vacancies available and post resumes, it would earn Twitter more money. Similarly, employers looking for peopl e to recruit should pay a fee to access the posted information from job seekers. It should also create and manage sites for outsourcing tasks where it creates jobs for online who may work in groups or as individuals. Furthermore, Twitter should take advantage of getting people’s comments on a certain company; for example, performance and what the customers like or dislike. This will assist the company to get customers’ feedback about certain products and decide on improvements. The companies will be able to improve and change their products and services according to the customers needs and hence the companies should pay a fee to twitter for the service. Likewise, Twitter should come up with an advertising strategy for companies. These companies may be charged on monthly basis or after 3 months. Individual users can also make money in Twitter by posting advertisements, especially when a user has many followers. A user can also search on advertisements and link them to f ollowers who are interested in buying. Promotion is another way to make money where a user can promote upcoming products for a company to the followers. Options That the Trio Have The partners have an option to store user’s personal information, which will improve their competitive advantage. They want to come up with a big archive of user’s data. This will only be successful if they make sure that they have mined data with consent from users. Google and Microsoft has given permission to Twitter to post its tweets at the Google search, this will be easy for users searching for certain information. Users will benefit from real time messages and latest news. Twitter attracts many users on the Google search. They have also come up with data mines that are likely to increase revenue on twitter because psychologists and other researchers will be able to get information, especially on behavior patterns of human beings. They will encourage people’s participation by not including their names, but only taking helpful information particularly for research purposes without including the names. Twitter has also increased its income by making an agreement with Google and Microsoft to make it easy to search a blog service on the Internet. The company has been able to discuss with telecommunications sector to lower the costs and this will benefit twitter because it will increase its profitability (Ivey, 2011). Twitter has another plan of archiving user’s information. Users have responded negatively, but the company has assured them safety of data. The users fear is that their tweets could be used against them. Twitter trio should come up with a plan to ensure that even if they archive the information, the government or any other party will not interfere with it because users might think that FBI is following them. Microsoft has started Microsoft helps, which is a twitter tool that supports users through information on Windows 7. This real time inf ormation will be checked by Microsoft while also supporting customers. Using Twitter, customers are capable of accessing help online and in real time. They will also be able to bring about issues or problems encountered when using Windows 7. However, there are privacy concerns for the trio because the crackers are out to destroy data, especially when mining. SalesForce is an example of a company that allowed businesses to access conversations on Twitter and take important information. If a customer has a question about computers, SalesForce informs computer companies about the client. The partners, being highly supported by Google, are coming up with ways that will enable users to protect their personal data. Some users on Twitter are exposed to cookies, which direct them to unknown sites. Twitter users can no longer trust the company because it is not able to protect the users’ data. Both Microsoft and Google are supporting Twitter in its real-time messaging. Users have conf essed that they get many insights from other users since it involves sharing with different users around the globe. Twitter may provide information not found on Google because it involves asking more people and the network in real-time. Google has not been successful in creating interactive sessions like twitter. In case of any latest news such as plane crush, Twitter displays them in real time while Google may take some hours. Both Google and Twitter are working together to improve on their business model. Twitter is a poor search engine; Google has decided to post its tweets since Google is poor on social matters, and hence it has considered having tweets so that users can see real time comments. Combining of the two features that mainly focuses on search micro-blogging and messaging services found in these social networks will increase their monetary value. In essence, Twitter is turning out to be a place where users do business and it is increasingly growing in ecommerce because as users follow each other on their accounts, it is easy to promote products and services. It has been greatly favored because of its real-time characteristic, and this is a blessing to the Twitter trio. References Biskup, J. (2009). Security in Computer Systems, Challenges, Approaches and Solutions. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. Ivey. (2011). Privacy Issues and Monetizing Twitter. London: Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation, 2011-04-15. 9B11E002. Laudon, K.C., Laudon, J.P. (2010). Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm (11th ed.). New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Miller, C. C. (2010, June 18). Sports Fans Break Records on Twitter. The New York Times. Retrieved from Shelly, G.B., Napier, H.A, Rivers, O. (2009). Discovering the Internet: Complete Concepts and Techniques (3rd ed.). Boston: Cengage Learning, Inc. Stair, R. Re ynolds, G. (2008). Fundamentals of Information Systems (5th ed.). Hamilton, CA: Thomson Course Technology.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

A Brief History of the Clarinet

A Brief History of the Clarinet Most musical instruments evolve into their present form so gradually over many centuries that it is hard to pinpoint a date they were invented. This is not the case with the clarinet, a tube-shaped single-reed instrument with a bell-shaped end.  Although the clarinet has seen a series of improvements over the last few hundred years, its invention in around 1690 by Johann Christoph Denner, of Nuremburg, Germany, produced an instrument very similar to the one we know today. The Invention Although Denner based the clarinet  on an earlier instrument called the chalumeau, his new instrument made such important changes that it really could not be called an evolution. With the help of his son, Jacob, Denner added two finger keys to a chalumeau- which at the time looked much like a modern day recorder, though with a single-reed mouthpiece. The addition of two keys might sound like a small improvement, but it made an enormous difference by increasing the musical range of the instrument more than two octaves. Denner also created a better mouthpiece and improved the bell shape at the end of the instrument.   The name of the new instrument was coined shortly thereafter, and although there are different theories about the name, most likely it was named because its sound from a distance was somewhat similar to an early form of trumpet. (Clarinetto is an Italian word for little trumpet.)   The new clarinet with its improved range and interesting sound quickly replaced the chalumeau in orchestral arrangements. Mozart (d. 1791) wrote several pieces for the clarinet, and by the time of Beethovens prime years (1800 to 1820), the clarinet was a standard instrument in all orchestras.   Further Improvements Over time, the clarinet saw the addition of additional keys that improved the range and airtight pads that improved its playability. In 1812, Iwan Muller created a new type of keypad covered in leather or fish bladder skin. This was a great improvement over felt pads, which leaked air. With this improvement, makers found it possible to increase the number of holes and keys on the instrument.   In 1843, the clarinet was further improved when Klose adapted the Boehm flute key system to the clarinet. The Boehm  system added a series of rings and axles that made fingering easier which greatly helped, given the wide tonal range of the instrument.   The Clarinet Today The soprano clarinet is one of the most versatile instruments in modern musical performance, and parts for it are included in classical orchestra pieces, orchestra band compositions, and jazz pieces. It is made in several different keys, including B-flat, E-flat, and A, and it is not uncommon for large orchestras to have all three. It is even sometimes heard in rock music. Sly and the Family Stone, the Beatles, Pink Floyd, Aerosmith, Tom Waits, and Radiohead are some of the acts that have included the clarinet in recordings.   The modern clarinet entered its most famous period during the big-band jazz era of the 1940s. Eventually, the mellower sound and easier fingering of the saxophone replaced the clarinet in some compositions, but even today, a great many jazz bands feature at least one clarinet. The clarinet has also helped to inspire the invention of other instruments, such as the flutophone. Famous Clarinet Players Some clarinet players are names many of us know, either as professionals or well-known amateurs. Among the names you might recognize:   Benny GoodmanArty ShawWoody HermanBob WilburWoody Allen

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Response to Gran Torino Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Response to Gran Torino - Essay Example This is because it does not go as far as the extremes of racist language and that there is not a single character that takes offence to the language used. However, the language may be offensive to the audience watching the film as most of the terms, though witty, are in bad taste of conventional anti-racist terms, especially when used by Caucasians, as is the case with Walt. This makes the language to be in bad taste of the audience in addition to the presence of random Hmong chatter to make up of Asian language scenes in the film. The use of this language in the film is not entirely appropriate although it serves its purpose in creating realistic scenes of Asian language speech. There is also extensive use of dirty speech or language throughout the movie with swear words and cursing with words such as goddamnit, bitch, fuck and shit, which make the film a bit language unfriendly although it is common in most modern movies. Gran Torino also features aspects of racism that are incorpo rated in language and other activities depicted in the film. The first one is in the definition and names assigned to different ethnicities such as Asians, who are called chinks, African Americans who are called niggers and Polish Americans, who are called Polacks. This shows the degree of ethnic intolerance throughout the film, in addition to the dissatisfaction of Walt Kowalski in his hatred towards Asians. This is because he is a Korean War veteran and is intolerant attitude towards Asians.... d names assigned to different ethnicities such as Asians, who are called chinks, African Americans who are called niggers and Polish Americans, who are called Polacks. This shows the degree of ethnic intolerance throughout the film, in addition to the dissatisfaction of Walt Kowalski in his hatred towards Asians. This is because he is a Korean War veteran and is intolerant attitude towards Asians, until he starts mentoring Thao, the next-door teenage boy. Although there is this form of reconciliation in the film through mentoring the boy, it appears as if the racial tension between the Caucasian man and the Asians does not entirely go away. The above is due to the presence of Asian gangs who target the family of his mentee, which brings up the concept of revenge. In regard to portrayal of revenge in Gran Torino, Asian gangs are portrayed as largely unforgiving; in the same way that Walt Kowalski is, when one tries to mess with his family. Walter Kowalski holds the concept of family d early and carries his family with high regard in regard to the Hmongs who live in is neighborhood. Following the rescue of Thao from the influence of the Asian gang operating in his neighborhood by Walt, the Asians seek their revenge against Walt (Gran Torino). This is in addition to punishing Thao’s sister, Sue, for receiving Walt’s help and helping the two stands up against the gang to stop with their oppression. The Hmong gang beats up Walt and drives by Thao’s house shooting at it, and in the process wound Thao in the neck, while the revenge mission of the Hmong gang goes beyond this in that they abduct Sue, beat her up, rape her and then discard her at her house. Revenge in the film appears to be taken seriously through vicious actions by gangs and individuals, although Walt and

Research Skills and Principles Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Research Skills and Principles - Assignment Example modelled to solve the shortcomings associated with Traditional IP-based networks, ATM networks and Frame Relay in the management of enormously large networks like scalability flexibility, security, and cost?. Such a question is sufficient and in line with the aim of the study. It is effective to help the researchers study the impacts of the interior gateway routing protocols in the MPLS VPN. The approach employed in the study is sufficient and closely linked to the study question and objectives. Such an approach helped the researchers to investigate and validate their new proposed design. The authors proposed a new design that merged both features of layer three such as intelligence and scalability with those of layer two such as simplicity and efficiency culminating into MPLS/BGPVPNS design. The authors first conducted a thorough literature review on the related topic. This was of great benefit as it provided the bedrock for the study. The review of the literature helped the authors to get valuable insights into the current problem the system has and thus need for alternative. The reviewed literature in the MPLS, VPN, and MPLS VPN technology presented the best opportunity for gathering the information for a satisfactory fathoming of linked concepts to the current study. Subsequently, the authors did awesome work by indulging into an in-depth deliberation on various routine concepts. Such a discussion availed the avenue critically to investigate the effects of interior gateways routing protocol. Moreover, the authors should be lauded because they gave specifications of the twin routing protocol for the present study. The two simulation approach employed were appropriate and in line with the study questions and objectives. The simulation help to probe the two design separately to make a rational decision. This was necessary to gauge the merits and demerits of each design which would later inform the investigators of the most appealing design to implement. The use

Friday, October 18, 2019

Migration, remittance and livelyhood Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 15000 words

Migration, remittance and livelyhood - Essay Example Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1Background Migration is a key element in the history of humanity in terms of continued existence and it has always gone hand in hand with the expansion of human race. On the other hand, over the years, the awareness of global migration and its impact to expansion has evolved, because of the growing recognition of the importance of remittance. The high quantity of migrant remittance flows to rising countries has guided to both pessimistic and optimistic views on the impacts of remittance. A wide range of literature and research has been available discussing the issue of remittance and its implications on expansion and migration. On the other hand, research to date has primarily concentrated on the impact of remittance to financial development, the connection between migration and remittance and so on. However, there remains an important gap examining the various processes of sending remittance and the wider problems remittance poses. The incomes that migrant s send home to their relatives, mainly global migrants, have expanded in current years to levels, which exceed direct foreign investments and official growth assistance. The World Bank estimated that worldwide remittances increased from about $85.6 billion in the year 2000 to about $167 billion in the year 2004 as contrasted to the direct foreign investment and development assistance. Presently, the bank estimates that global remittances reached about $318 billion in the year 2007, an amount of about $240 billion of that went to developing countries. Whereas potentially of similar importance, the quantity of internal remittances, sent mainly by urban migrants back to rural societies of their origin, as money or kind, are not commonly recorded and are hard to estimate. Extra migrants move internally than worldwide, and their earnings are inclined to be lower. Despite troubles of amount, the clearly huge amounts of remittances sent by global and internal migrants have attracted a lot of researchers to observe their impact on different aspects of growth. Recently, a growing sense of awareness has arisen with regard to the size and impact of informal remittances. Whereas formal remittances denote those remittances that enter a country during official banking channels, the informal remittances contain those money transfers that happen through private channels. Such private transfers contain remittances brought home by relatives, friends and even the migrant herself/himself. Whereas formal remittances to increasing countries have totalled to more than $167 billion in the year 2005, the point of informal remittances is practically unknown for the reason that they be inclined to flow through private channels. Estimates of the range of informal remittances differ widely, ranging from about 35 to 250 percent of formal remittances. This paper aims to fill this research gap by talking about the

Fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC) Term Paper

Fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC) - Term Paper Example Furthermore, it supposes that the chromatographic column contains an infinite number of separate layers (theoretical plates). Separate equilibrations of the sample between the stationary and mobile phase occur in these layers. The analyte moves down the column by transfer of equilibrated mobile phase from one ‘plate’ to the next. There is a more convincing theory, ‘the rate theory.’ This theory depends on the speed of elution and thus speeds of diffusion of the dissolved particles. The analysis and application of this theory leads to the Van Deemter equation. This equation relates the variance per unit length of a separation column to the linear mobile phase velocity by considering several factors. They are physical, kinetic, and thermodynamic properties of a separation. The physical factors are such as; A) Eddy diffusion. B) Longitudinal diffusion C) Resistance to mass transfer It (chromatography) is thus seen to exploit the differences in partitioning beha vior between a mobile phase and a stationary phase to separate the components in a mixture. These components contained within a mixture may interact with the stationary phase based on charge, differing solubility or adsorption capability. Several terminologies are associated with the process of chromatography; a) The analyte- this is the substance to be separated during chromatography. b) Bonded phase- this is a stationary phase that is covalently bonded to the support particles or to the inside wall of the tube being utilized.. c) A chromatogram is the visual output of the chromatograph. d) The eluate is the mobile phase that is leaving the separation column. e) The eluent is the solvent that carries/dissolves the analyte. f) The immobilized phase is a stationary phase that is immobilized on the support particles, or on the inner wall of the column tubing. It is similar to the bonded phase g) The mobile phase is the phase that moves in a definite direction. h) The  solute  refe rs to the sample components in a solvent. i) The  solvent  refers to any substance capable of solubilizing another substance. This is important especially in the liquid mobile phase in liquid chromatography. Several methods of chromatography exist as well (singh). They include; 1) Chiral chromatography 2) Countercurrent chromatography 3) Pyrolysis gas chromatography 4) Simulated moving bed chromatography 5) Reversed phase chromatography 6) Two dimensional chromatography 7) Expanded bed adsorption chromatography 8) Size exclusion chromatography 9) Ion exchange chromatography 10) Supercritical fluid chromatography 11) FPLC The FPLC is the method of interest in this case. The FPLC method was developed and marketed in Sweden by the Pharmacia Company in 1982. It was originally called fast performance liquid chromatography. Principle of functioning The purpose of purifying proteins with FPLC is to deliver quantities of the target protein at sufficient purity. This is done in a way tha t ensures the protein is in a biologically active state to suit its further use. Furthermore this can mean pure enough that the biological activity of the target is retained. This high level of purity requires preliminary preparation of the sample. This is mostly by IEC. In most FPLC systems, there are two solvents/ buffers (A, B). There is also a resin that is chosen so that the protein of interest will bind to it by a charge interaction. When the sample and mix of buffer (100% A) and protein is introduced, the protein will bind to

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Movie Review of Batman - The Dark Knight Rises Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Of Batman - The Dark Knight Rises - Movie Review Example Just like mere mortals, Batman underwent hindrances. Bruce Wayne took up the cudgels for his bankrupt Wayne Enterprises. Wayne erroneously funneled most of his Wayne money in Miranda Tate’s clean energy program. Wayne was wrongly persuaded that the nuclear power project would improve Gotham City’s community life. However, the project was shelved because of the possible environmental damage. Nuclear power generates a deadly by-product, radiation. Bruce Wayne was distressed, just like an average person. And just like most happy endings, he was able to bounce as Batman. As Batman, Wayne saves Gotham city by bringing the bomb outside the city’s boundaries. The bomb explodes over the bay area, thanks to recuperated Bruce Wayne. I admire Alfred Pennyworth. He is a person who has character (Darius 59). Alfred Pennyworth decided to spend his life caring for the needs of Bruce Wayne. He was not discouraged because he was not born with a silver spoon, living in a rich family. Pennyworth gave his 150 percent to each of his Wayne Mansion responsibilities. He used all his persuasive power to convince Bruce Wayne to make the original Batman crop up again. His loyalty was finally broken when the butler could no longer stand Bruce Wayne’s wasting his valuable time away in rotting flesh fashion. The former felt he was no longer effective as Bruce Wayne’s personal adviser, counselor, Butler, and friend. I deeply hate Bane. Bane is the epitome of a criminal, especially with the likes of Joker, Penguin, Cat Woman, and Mr. Freeze.

Climate change and food security Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Climate change and food security - Assignment Example . Wheat bread, peanut butter, fruit juice, and raisin beverage made up my breakfast I feared consumption of chemical components from the foods processing processes and threats of genetic engineering that I believe can interfere with my genome. Even though my snack for the day was orange fruit, there was still the fear of possible genetic engineering in the fruits’ development. Wheat bread, chicken stew, potatoes, milk, and green grams were the other consumptions of day one and even though I perceived no alternative for safe consumption, I feared the foods’ safety levels. Calorie level in the consumption was another concern and I decided to research on calorie characteristics of my food components for minimization. Consumptions in the second also consisted, predominantly, of natural foods with uncontrollable food safety concerns. Oatmeal, raisins, beef, rice, milk, and fruits were the major components with threats of genetic engineering and, though limited, the amount of chemicals that could have been applied in their processing and temporary preservation. I however ensured reduced levels of calories intake through restricting volumes of consumption per food type. Bran flakes, potatoes soup, beef, and rice formed the major component of my third day food intake with other natural foods like milk and fruits. While these retained my fears of direct chemical contamination together with adverse effects of biological engineering on the foods’ sources, processed foods were also identifiable to increase my worries on the day’s intake.... irect chemical contamination together with adverse effects of biological engineering on the foods’ sources, processed foods were also identifiable to increase my worries on the day’s intake. Jelly, margarine, and sugar-enriched lemonade are the major examples of processed components of the day’s consumption. Consumptions in day four was more conscious of processed food and observed calories levels through nutrient information and quantity of each of the consumed food type. The day’s consumption was a revised diet set from day one’s consumption for better safety level and I believe the reduced calories level consumption achieved this. Intakes in the remaining three days alternated between the major components of the types of foods in the first four days and my general opinion on my food choices is that however much we try to select safe food products; our choices are limited by available products and developed preferences. Food safety therefore remai ns a major concern and political forces, instead of individual power through money, should ensure safety. This is because such money power at consumer level is decentralized and ineffective. Reflection Food safety consciousness, especially after watching the Food Inc film, motivated me to research on sources of available food products and observed safety standards by different food processors. Available information from internet sources has for example informed of the different sources of my food, geographical locations of sources of natural supplies, and manufacturers of processed supplies. I am also aware of distribution channels of major foods among my consumables and possible activities at each level of the channels. Similarly, I am also informed of regulatory strategies and regulatory agencies over the food

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Movie Review of Batman - The Dark Knight Rises Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Of Batman - The Dark Knight Rises - Movie Review Example Just like mere mortals, Batman underwent hindrances. Bruce Wayne took up the cudgels for his bankrupt Wayne Enterprises. Wayne erroneously funneled most of his Wayne money in Miranda Tate’s clean energy program. Wayne was wrongly persuaded that the nuclear power project would improve Gotham City’s community life. However, the project was shelved because of the possible environmental damage. Nuclear power generates a deadly by-product, radiation. Bruce Wayne was distressed, just like an average person. And just like most happy endings, he was able to bounce as Batman. As Batman, Wayne saves Gotham city by bringing the bomb outside the city’s boundaries. The bomb explodes over the bay area, thanks to recuperated Bruce Wayne. I admire Alfred Pennyworth. He is a person who has character (Darius 59). Alfred Pennyworth decided to spend his life caring for the needs of Bruce Wayne. He was not discouraged because he was not born with a silver spoon, living in a rich family. Pennyworth gave his 150 percent to each of his Wayne Mansion responsibilities. He used all his persuasive power to convince Bruce Wayne to make the original Batman crop up again. His loyalty was finally broken when the butler could no longer stand Bruce Wayne’s wasting his valuable time away in rotting flesh fashion. The former felt he was no longer effective as Bruce Wayne’s personal adviser, counselor, Butler, and friend. I deeply hate Bane. Bane is the epitome of a criminal, especially with the likes of Joker, Penguin, Cat Woman, and Mr. Freeze.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Drug Use in Sports Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Drug Use in Sports - Research Paper Example Performance-enhancing drugs may come in the form of dietary supplements, prescripted medication, or illegal drugs (Gomez, 2005). Among the common ergogenic drugs use for to enhance athletic performances includes anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) a.k.a. â€Å"Dianabol† – commonly used to improve the physical structure of athletes’ body, steroid precursors like the androstenedione and dehydroepiandrosterone, creatine, ephedra or ephedrine alkaloids a.k.a â€Å"ma huang†, erythropoietin, and growth hormones among others (Wiefferink et al., 2008; Calfee & Fadale, 2006; Dhar et al., 2005; Gomez, 2005; McDevitt, 2003). These drugs are available in the market in oral or injectable form. Since a lot of our young athletes desire to improve their physical appearance and athletic abilities within the shortest possible time, a lot of them ends up being tempted to experiment with the use of ergogenic drugs (Wiefferink et al., 2008; Elliot et al., 2007; Calfee & Fadale , 2006; Gomez, 2005).The presence of ergogenic drugs can be traced through the athletes’ blood samples. Although there are medical ways that can be used in determining whether or not each of the sports athletes is taking ergogenic drugs, several authors explained that some athletes are aware on how they can receive a negative drug testing test after taking these drugs (Calfee & Fadale, 2006; Gomez, 2005). In line with this, Calfee & Fadale (2006) explained that it is difficult to detect the presence of steroids substances days before the Olympic game in case the athletes have taken the steroids during the off-season.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Comparison of Networking Feature of Linux and Microsoft Essay Example for Free

Comparison of Networking Feature of Linux and Microsoft Essay 1.0 Comparing Networking Features of Linux Microsoft. Microsoft * Next Generation TCP/IP Stack: this networking feature of windows is available for â€Å"Windows Server 2008† and â€Å"Windows Vista†. It is a â€Å"complete redesign of TCP/IP functionality for both Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) and Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) that meets the connectivity and performance needs of todays varied networking environments and technologies.† Joe Davies (2008) * Server Message Block 2.0 (SMB): this networking feature of windows is also available for both â€Å"Windows Server 2008† and â€Å"Windows Vista†. It can also be termed as the â€Å"Common Internet File System (CIFS)†. It is used on widows-based computers as a default file sharing protocol. SMB supports: * â€Å"Sending multiple SMB commands within the same packet. This reduces the number of packets sent between an SMB client and server. * Much larger buffer sizes compared to SMB 1.0. * Increases the restrictive constants within the protocol design to allow for scalability. Examples include an increase in the number of concurrent open file handles on the server and the number of file shares that a server can have. * Supports durable handles that can withstand short interruptions in network availability. * Supports symbolic links.† Joe Davies (2008) * Windows Firewall: the windows firewall for the versions â€Å"Windows Server (2008)† and â€Å"Windows Vista† has support for filtering of incoming and outgoing traffic. It also has integrated settings for firewall filtering and Internet Protocol Security (IPSEC). * Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS) 6.0: this â€Å"specifies a standard interface between kernel-mode network drivers and the operating system. NDIS also specifies a standard interface between layered network drivers, abstracting lower-level drivers that manage hardware from upper-level drivers, such as network transports.† Joe Davies (2008). Linux * Samba: this networking feature of â€Å"Linux† is a file and printer sharing service. It is based on the SMB protocol developed by â€Å"Windows†. Samba allows â€Å"Linux† to act as a SMB client or server. * The inetd Super Server: this is a special network daemon run on â€Å"Linux† applications in order to overcome certain inefficiencies of network daemons. It â€Å"creates sockets on behalf of a number of services and listens on all of them simultaneously. When an incoming connection is received on any of these sockets, the super server accepts the connection and spawns the server specified for this port, passing the socket across to the child to manage. The server then returns to listening.† Dawson T. (2000). * The tcpd Access Control Facility: this is a tool that is used to manage â€Å"host specific† access. â€Å"For TCP services you want to monitor or protect, it is invoked instead of the server program. Tcpd checks if the remote host is allowed to use that service, and only if this succeeds will it execute the real server program.† Dawson T. (2000). 1.1 Interoperability Features of Ubuntu with Microsoft Workstations. Interoperability is the function which allows a system to work with other systems that may be of different brand or have a different operating system. For organisations like â€Å"Rainham Indigo Bank† who wish to setup a networking environment to share files and printer, this is important as they wish to integrate a Linux based operating system to their current work environment which has a Windows based operating system. â€Å"Ubuntu†, the choice of Linux – based operating system, has an interoperability feature known as â€Å"Samba† that supplies the users with file and printer sharing for the Window workstations. states that â€Å"Samba is an Open Source/Free Software suite that provides seamless file and print services to SMB/CIFS clients. Samba is freely available, unlike other SMB/CIFS implementations, and allows for interoperability between Linux/Unix servers and Window s-based clients.† The bank can use this package to share printers and files between the Ubuntu server and Widows workstations. Another feature that â€Å"Ubuntu† offers is the ease of authentication. Authentication plays an important part as it helps computers on a network to recognise each another and allows for information to be shared. â€Å"Ubuntu Server† comes with â€Å"Open Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)†. This ensures that a shared directory service can be built if it is needed. Supported versions of Ubuntu Server come with â€Å"Likewise-Open†. This is used to integrate with the system using Microsoft Active Directory. Machines on Active Directory can be identified, share credentials and access resources with â€Å"Ubuntu† machines through the use of this software. Resources for Windows clients can easily be provided by â€Å"Ubuntu† servers without an additional security burden. 1.2 Installing Ubuntu and configuring network services for Windows and Linux for file sharing and printing. â€Å"Ubuntu† Installation. After â€Å"Ubuntu† was installed, â€Å"Samba† was downloaded and configured. It was installed through the terminal command using this command: â€Å"sudo apt-get install samba samba-command†. Configuring network settings. Ubuntu accessed via Microsoft. Sharing folders on the network. File manager opened to allow for folder sharing. Sharing folder on Windows from Ubuntu. Shared folder in Microsoft. 1.3 Linux Distribution Costs. Performance The cost associated with the performance is related to the hardware of the â€Å"Ubuntu† server as the server’s performance will be as good as the hardware installed on it. The performance of the server depends on the type of memory installed and how much of it, the brand of the processor as well as its type i.e. single – core, dual – core etc, the processor speed will also play a part in this as well as the motherboard installed and the PCI connectors and serial buses installed.. â€Å"Ubuntu† server process threads often make use of physical resources. High performance can be achieved from relatively low hardware requirements on this server. Therefore, the cost of performance associated with the â€Å"Ubuntu† server is expected to be low. Security Once the â€Å"Ubuntu† server is hardened, it has a low risk of attacks from viruses, remote procedure calls and buffer overflows. Standard installation of â€Å"Ubuntu† has a ready – to – use hardened operating system. Therefore, no additional cost will be needed to implement additional security protection such as anti-virus, firewalls, anti-spyware etc. This is because most security mechanisms are pre-installed or can be installed freely thereby allowing this cost to be low. Support Support for the â€Å"Ubuntu† software can only be obtained from the â€Å"Ubuntu† community, developers and enthusiasts as there are no formal support arrangements available from the vendor. Significant cost will be incurred in order to train staff to use of the server and experienced consultants may be required for support for cases of server downtime or repair. Maintenance Maintenance of the server may incur significant costs as well. This is because only skilled and trained personnel can conduct routine maintenance and maintain the maximum uptime of the server that is required. The maintenance cost of hardware can vary depending on the hardware. From a software perspective, the costs will include maintenance from skilled personnel to upkeep and patch the software as needed.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibilities For Pepsi Cola Commerce Essay

Corporate Social Responsibilities For Pepsi Cola Commerce Essay The PepsiCo headquarters are located in Purchase, New York. The company is in the food and beverage industry and is a public corporation. Pepsis biggest competitors are Coca Cola, Dr. Pepper Snapple Group, and Kellogg U.S. Snack. Pepsi has official sponsorship deals with three of the four major North American professional sports leagues: the National Football League, National Hockey League, and Major League Baseball. Pepsi also sponsors Major League Soccer. In addition, the corporation has sponsorship deals in international cricket teams. The Pakistan cricket team is one of the teams that the brand sponsors. The team wears the Pepsi logo on the front of their test and One International Day (ODI) test match clothing (Wikipedia, n.d.). Mission and Values According to the PepsiCo website, the companys mission is to be the worlds premier consumer products company focused on convenient foods and beverages. Pepsi seeks to produce financial rewards to investors as it provides numerous opportunities for growth and enrichment to their employees, their business partners, and the communities in which PepsiCo operates. Pepsi strives for honesty, fairness, and integrity. Pepsi is committed to delivering sustained growth through empowered people acting responsibly and building trust. History Caleb Bradham was a pharmacist who first created Pepsi in New Bern, North Carolina in 1898. It was originally called Brads Drink and was claimed to cure indigestion. The trademark was registered on June 16, 1903. Pepsi introduced the worlds first radio jingle in 1939. In 1941, Loft Candy merged with its Pepsi subsidiary and became the Pepsi-Cola Company. PepsiCo began a major restructuring of its PepsiCo Beverages Foods division in 2003. The restructuring resulted in four company divisions: PepsiCo International, PepsiCo Beverages North America, Frito-Lay North America, and Quaker Foods North America. In 2003, PepsiCo found opportunities for growth overseas. It surfaced that year that Pepsi products bottled in India that contained traces of DDT, Malathion, and other pesticides that exceeded government limits. Bowing to the publics growing concern about childhood obesity, in 2006 Pepsi, along with Coca-Cola, Cadbury Schweppes, and the American Beverage Association, agreed to sell water, unsweetened juice, and low-fat milk only to public elementary and middle schools in the US. As for high schools, the agreement called for no sugary sodas to be sold and one-half of the obtainable drinks to be water, diet sodas, lemonade, or iced tea (Hoovers). Social Responsibility Corporate Social Responsibility PepsiCo is one of the top companies to top the 2010 Corporate Social Responsibility Index. The rankings are based on public perceptions of U.S. companies corporate social responsibility efforts. In order to predict and then maximize the potential of market opportunities as they arise, it is important that the company reflects the market in which it seeks to operate. In 2004, Pepsi was ranked as number 7 in Fortunes Magazine 50 Best Companies for Minorities. Five of Pepsi Companys 13 top officials are minorities-the highest percentage on our list (Werther, 2008). PepsiCo has demonstrated a consistent commitment to corporate social responsibility. The companys vision for sustainability, Performance with Purpose, aims to deliver sustainable growth by investing in a healthier future for people and the planet. In April, PepsiCo launched the Dream Machine recycling initiative, which will introduce thousands of new recycling kiosks in popular public venues such as gas stations, stadiums, and public parks to make it more convenient and rewarding for consumers to recycle when they are on the go. The initiative includes computerized recycling receptacles that allow users to scan the bar code on bottles and cans recycled in a Dream Machine to collect points that can be redeemed online for prizes (CSR Wire, 2010). Pepsi received an Environmental Excellence Award from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency SmartWay (SM) Transport Partnership for its leadership in conserving energy and lowering greenhouse gas emissions from its transportation and freight activities. PepsiCo has set a standard for the industry by having 100% of its transportation needs executed by SmartWay carriers and affiliates. PepsiCo and SmartWays combined efficiency and fuel conservation projects have driven reductions in fuel use of nearly 15 million gallons of diesel, eliminating 340 million pounds of CO2 emissions and lowering PepsiCos fuel costs. (CSR Wire, 2009). Project Refresh Pepsi created a project called Project Refresh. According to Mehra (2010), the project harnesses social media tools to empower communities to support projects that benefit social and environmental causes by supporting organizations with cash donations. Pepsi looks for businesses, people, and non-profit organizations with ideas that will have a positive impact. The project has given more than 7 million in the first five months of the year and expects to invest $20 million in worthy causes. It has been a public relations coup for Pepsi and has drawn a huge volume of suggested projects and online buzz (Silverstein, 2010, paragraph 8). The purpose of the project is to donate money to worthy charities and causes. Candidates apply with their ideas for a grant on the website-it is a contest. Online voters decide what the company should contribute to, and if a candidate wins, they are awarded a certain amount of money for their cause or charity. Some causes that the project has funded include ending modern-day slavery in the United States, providing pet care to ill or disabled pet owners, funding less toxic therapies for children with cancer, and supporting nonpartisan civic engagement in the United States. When the BP oil spill occurred, Pepsi immediately set up a campaign to donate money to the cause. Pepsi decided to donate 1.3 million through its Pepsi Refresh Project towards the cause. That sum is in addition to $20 million that Pepsi has vowed to give away in 2010 in the cause marketing effort, the term for collaborating with nonprofit organizations to bolster both charities and the reputations of companies (Newman, 2010). Candidates can apply on the Pepsi Refresh website and submit their ideas for ways to help the oil spill. The company awarded 32 Do Good for the Gulf grants-two for $250,000 and 10 each for $50,000, $25,000, and $5,000 (Newman, 2010). The ideas for the Do Good for the Gulf contest have been voted on. Grants were given to causes such as giving injured Gulf coast sea turtles a place to get well, shelter for animals whose humans have lost their homes due to the spill, to provide mental health services, to create jobs for oil spill victims, and to build a second cottage on childrens home campus to serve families in crisis. PepsiCo Dream Machine The PepsiCo Dream Machine recycling initiative is a sustainable business model that reinforces PepsiCos commitment to utilizing innovation and technology to engage consumers and make a positive impact on our environment, We look forward to joining ThinkSocial and the other innovative companies and leaders to discuss how we can work together to achieve our #Promises said Jeremy Cage, PepsiCo and Head of the Dream Machine recycling initiative. (CSR Wire, 2010, paragraph 5). The recycling initiative was designed around PepsiCos goal of increasing the U.S. beverage container-recycling rate from 34 percent to 50 percent by 2018 (American Recycler, 2010). The company is concerned that consumers are throwing away the Pepsi bottles instead of recycling them, so they came up with the solution of putting recycling kiosks at concert venues, in grocery stores and along city sidewalks. PepsiCo has also entered into a partnership with Keep America Beautiful to boost community involvement in the initiative. The program will deliver funding to the Entrepreneurship Boot Camp for Veterans with Disabilities, which helps veterans start businesses (Fredrix, 2010). Here is how the program works: People bring any recyclable aluminum cans or PET plastic bottles-not just those containing PepsiCo products-to a kiosk and scan them as if they are at a grocery store self-check out. When the containers are accepted, that adds points to an account at Alternatively, consumers can get a receipt with codes to enter later on another website, which run by an offshoot of Houston-based Waste Management (Fredrix, 2010). Crisis Management In todays business world, events like natural disasters, terrorists attacks, product recalls, and corporate scandals are more common and potentially devastating to organizations if they are ill prepared. Uncertainty and risks can be detrimental to companies that are not prepared to deal with events that required a plan of action. This means having systems and procedures, as well as, company personnel in place to deal with unplanned and unexpected events that could cause harm to stakeholders and the company. Therefore, crisis management is essential for all organizations. Crisis management, the process of handling a high-impact event characterized by ambiguity and the need for swift action (Thorne, et al, 2011, p. 66). This discussion will explore how Pepsi-Cola Corporation managed a product-tampering crisis. First, the focus will look at the crisis itselfhow and what happened. Secondly, this report will discuss and explain how Pepsi-Cola handled the crisis evaluated based on the crisis management process, which looks at the four stages of a crisis. Finally, look at how Pepsi-Cola fared in each phase of the crisis. The Crisis Product Tampering Case at Pepsi-Cola A hypodermic syringe was purportedly found in a can of Diet Pepsi in the Seattle area on June 10, 1993. This was the first report to Pepsi-Cola about alleged product tampering and within a week, 50 more reports came in from 23 states. The alleged product tampering reports stated that consumers found not only hypodermic syringes, but also a broken sewing needle, a crack vial, and a bullet among other things. Within a few days, the Pepsi syringe product tampering case was a major news story on television, radio station, as well as, major newspapers. Furthermore, viewers saw a hypodermic needle next to a can of Pepsi in leading news reports. This was a nightmare with no ending in sight for Pepsi. This could potentially take many years to reverse the damage done to the Pepsi brand and gain consumer confidence in Pepsi products again. Pepsi-Colas response to this crisis was crucial to consumer safety and the companys image. The Pepsi organization took control of the crisis and its final resolution using already in place procedures for product tampering and crisis management plan. Prodromal Stage of the Pepsi Syringe Crisis To better understand how crises develop and move toward resolution, some researchers use a medical analogy (Thorne, et al, 2011, p. 66). The crisis management process consists of four different stages and is as follows: Prodromal Stage, Acute Stage, Chronic Stage, and Prodromal Stage. The first stage is a precrisis period during which warning signs may exist (Thorne, et al, 2011, p. 67). This phase for Pepsi-Cola and other companies like it in the beverage food industries are well aware of the potent of product tampering. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulate these companies; thus, need to have procedures and standards in place to avoid contamination of their products either through their production processes or through sabotage. Product tampering took on new meaning in the aftermath of the Tylenol Scare in the 1980s, and many companies made improvements to tamper-proof their products. At the time of the crisis, according to then Pepsi-Cola North America President, CEO, Craig Weatherup explained cans are probably the most tamper-proof containers in the food industry (Greenberg, 1993, p. 2). Pepsi-Cola has a consumer hotline for its consumers to call with questions or concerns with its products. In addition, the company has a cross-functional crisis team in place in order to deal with product tampering or other crisis. Pepsi-Cola has done very well to prepare itself for a potential crisis. Specifically, in this case of product tampering Pepsi knew it was highly unlikely that the tampering took place in the bottling process because of their production line process. They were further convince that it did not happen in production because the product tampering case reports were from 23 states with a total of 50 different reports. Acute Stage of the Pepsi Syringe Crisis Once Pepsi-Cola started receiving the product tampering reports it went into action by assembling its cross-functional crisis team to investigate the reports. Pepsis crisis response team lived for nearly 96 hours during the summer of 93 while the nationwide Diet Pepsi syringe tampering scare raged (Elsasser, 1994, par. 2). Their first objective was to ensure consumer safety, and called in FDA officials for help. Once they were certain that the tampering did not come from the production lines, Pepsi wanted to use the media to ensure product safety for consumers while still protecting their brand. The product tampering event actually entered the acute stage that is became a national crisis is when the media began running news report about the hypodermic syringe in the Diet Pepsi can. This shows that some crises happen so quickly and without warning that the organization may move from the prodromal to acute stage within minutes (Thorne, et al, 2011, p. 67). In this specific case, Pepsi-Cola moved from the prodromal to acute stage within days once the media broadcast the syringe in the Diet Pepsi can story, the company was in a crisis mode. It is important to understand that once a crisis strikes, the firms stakeholders need a quick response in the midst of the duress and confusion (Thorne, et al, 2011, p. 67). Pepsi-Cola decided to use the media to obtain the facts out to consumers by demonstrating how their bottling and production lines work, and how unlikely it is to tamper with their products. According to president CEO, Craig Weatherup, he explained that the cans were produced at different plants-some six months ago, some six weeks ago, and some six days ago (Greenberg, 1993, p. 2). The crisis team determined that there was no correlation between the complaints and when the cans were produced. Chronic Stage of the Pepsi Syringe Crisis The chronic stage represents that the crisis is ongoing and requires explanation and decision-making (Thorne, et al, 2011, p. 67). Pepsi-Cola and FDA officials determine that a product recall would not be necessary because the crisis team already determined the product tampering was not a production or packaging problem. Therefore, having a product recall would probably make the crisis worse. According to CEO, Craig Weatherup, he explained that their point of view was a recall would give credence to a problem that did not exist (Greenberg, 1993, p.2). Pepsi-Cola decided to use the media to inform consumers and tell its side of the storyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦that product tampering inside Pepsi was considered a hoax. CEO, Craig Weatherup, went on many television programs like Nightline and Larry King Live to inform viewers that there was no danger to the public and get the accurate story told. The more you saw that visual of the can and the syringe, the greater the concern became. The challenge, therefore, was to convince the public that the image wasnt possible unless somebody opened the can first (Greenberg, 1993, p.3). Consumers and other stakeholders want and need to know how that the crisis will be handled in a safe and effective manner. Pepsi-Cola did an excellent job in its crisis communication strategy by using the media along with the FDA to get the accurate story out. In addition, Pepsi produced and distributed video news releases to give facts and show that the Pepsi scare was a hoax. Prodromal Stage of the Pepsi Syringe Crisis The final phase of the crisis management process is crisis resolution. The prodromal stage is the success and failure outcomes for the firm and stakeholder (Thorne, et al, 2011, p. 67). Pepsi-Cola was able to take immediate action when the crisis happen because it already had systems and procedures in place. The company was able to investigate and determine a product recall was not necessary. Once this was done, Pepsi-Cola determine how it would communicate the findings of their investigation and go onto protecting the Pepsi brand. Transparency is essential. All efforts undertaken to contain the situation, as well as the regulations and safety procedures that will prevent similar accidents have to be communicated (Johar, 2010, p. 59). Recovery from a crisis handled correctly can lead to improving the company and the brand image. Pepsi-Cola was able to accomplish this using their crisis management and communication strategies. Immediately after the after the crisis was over, Pepsi-Cola went on to run nationwide advertisements that read, Pepsi is pleased to announceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦nothing and advertisements that said Thanks, America with coupons for Pepsi products. Pepsi-Cola did an excellent job of rebounding from this crisis with no lingering negative effects. Pepsi-Colas reaction and response to this product tampering scare crisis could be used as a model for other organizations on how to prepare and handle an organizational crisis. Sustainability Issues Global Environmental Issues In 1989, PepsiCo established its business operations in India. The company is now one of the largest consumer products company in India. PepsiCo currently employs 150,000 people in India. The company has more than 36 bottling plants, including 13 companies and 23 franchises owned ones. Water Issues There were problems in India with PepsiCo and the groundwater in 2003. Pepsi uses the ground water in India in order to make the soda. The major ingredient in a soft drink is water. It constitutes close to 90% of the soft drink content. The Centre of Science and Environment discovered through a report that Pepsi drinks in general had much higher levels of toxin than Europes limits. CSE found that the India produced Pepsis soft drink products had 36 times the level of pesticide residues permitted under European Union regulations. CSE tested the same products in the United States and found no such residues (Fernando, 2009). Groundwater, the major source of water for 90 percent of rural and 50 percent of urban customers in India may be contaminated throughout the country. The test results prompted the government to adopt the European Unions standard for bottled water (Waldman, 2003). The village government of Pudussery, a rural community in the Palghat district of Kerala state, said last week that it had revoked the water-use license of the Pepsi bottling plant there because the plant had depleted the communitys groundwater to the point of causing a shortage. The license was not due to expire until 2005 (Rai, 2003). As a result of the recent drought, water is already scarce in the area. The local people are agitating that Pepsi is over utilizing water resources, making the shortage very acute (Rai, 2003). Contamination and depletion of water used by locals for farming and drinking occurred (Chamberlain, 2008). The state of Kerala in India banned the production and sale of Pepsi because of continued worries over scarcity and possible health effects of pesticides believed to be contained in the soft drinks (Pellow, 2007). Pepsi has continued to sell soft drinks in India with dangerously high levels of pesticides-even three years after the government of India confirmed that these products were dangerous. An August 2006 study by the CSE, a leading public interest research and advocacy group in India proved this. CSE tested 57 samples of Pepsi from 25 different bottling plants across 12 states and found pesticide residues in all samples. On an average, the pesticide residues were 24 times higher than EU standards (Fernando). The director of CSE stated that such residues can cause cancer and birth defects as well as harm nervous and immune systems if the products were consumed over long periods of time (Carroll, 2008, page 855). Majumder (n.d.) states that in the Indian state of Kerala, sale and production of Pepsi-Cola, along with other soft drinks, was banned by the state government in 2006. Five other Indian states have announced partial bans on the drinks in schools, colleges, and hospitals (paragraph 2). On the Pepsi website, it says that in 2009, Pepsi conserved, recharged, and replenished more water to nature instead of wasting more water than what was given back. As a user of tens of billions of gallons of water in its food and beverage operations globally, including in many nations facing water shortages, PepsiCo has recently adopted a water policy dedicated to fulfilling the human right to water as defined by the United Nations. This water policy is exactly the outcome that stakeholders should be heralding and seeking to encourage (Mehra, 2010). Alternative Energy Pepsi is a national supporter for Keep America Beautiful. Keep America Beautiful includes cleaning up parks, playgrounds, and recreation centers to conducting educational workshops and hosting community beautification events. Participants removed liter from waterways, beaches, and nature trails; planted trees and flowers, and removed graffiti to enhance urban areas and collected clothing, paper, batteries, and electronics for reuse and recycling (DeAngelis, 2010). Solar Power According to the Pepsi website, in 2007, Pepsi announced major renewable energy projects including plans for the plant in Casa Grande, Arizona. With plans to run almost entirely on renewable fuels and recycled water, this plant is scheduled to begin production by 2010. Our bottlers are also sourcing power from the sun. In 2007, The Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company of Eugene installed a 250-kilowatt solar electric system in their Oregon facility, which is now the second-largest photovoltaic system in the Pacific Northwest. The renewable energy generated from this system is the equivalent to the average annual energy consumption of approximately 21 Eugene homes and has a regional carbon dioxide offset of about 140 tons per year. Projects in other regions went live last year as well. PepsiCo India launched their first remote wind turbine, harnessing one of the most efficient, clean and renewable sources of energy. This turbine is connected to the public electricity grid with sufficient power to meet more than 75% of the electricity needs of the companys local Mamandur plant, and it directly offsets up to 7% of our company-owned bottling operations power requirements for 2008. The initiative is estimated to help reduce carbon emissions by more than 3,500 tons annually, with the potential to offset 70,000 tons of carbon emissions over its entire 20-year life cycle (Pepsi Website). Business Response to Sustainability Issues Performance with Purpose Mission The mission is focused on generating healthy financial returns while giving back to communities the company serves. This includes meeting consumer needs for an array of convenient foods and beverages, reducing the companys impact on the environment through water, energy, and packaging initiatives, and supporting its employees through a diverse and inclusive culture that recruits and retains world-class talent. This mission is Pepsis promise to its community and investors. The goals of the Performance with Purpose mission is human sustainability, environmental sustainability and talent sustainability. Have we met before? campaign It is designed to communicate the benefits of aluminum can recycling and encourage the consumers of Pepsi to practice recycling. Recycling facts and messages will be featured on around 500 million Pepsi cans and 250 million Diet Pepsi cans nationwide each month. The initiative is worth it because research has shown that people are more inclined to recycle when they learn about the benefits of recycling, particularly the energy savings (American Recycler, May 2008). Recycling Issues in India Greenpeace activists and Indian SMO leaders discovered through an investigation that plastic was being dumped on the site of a plastic recycling operation outside Madras. A mountain of plastic waste stood on the site. According to environmentalist Satish Vangal, there were piles and piles of used soda bottles stacked behind a wall. Every bottle that was seen had the label California Redemption Value on it. All of the bottles were from Californias recycling program and they were sitting in a pile in India (Pellow, 2007). In order to minimize its environmental impact, Pepsi has improved water, fuels, and electricity efficiency saving about five billion liters of water and nearly 500 million kilowatt hours of energy from 2006 to 2007. By the end of 2008, the company started using a recently installed natural gas heat and power system to bottle beverages at its plant in Queens, NY saving a potential $408,000 a year ( The Global Marketplace Pepsi is known as a global corporation because it has been expanding and reaching to numerous foreign markets, which seem appealing to them, for many years. It is important to understand that the expanding global marketplace requires that executives and managers develop the ability to conduct business effectively and socially responsibly in different regions of the world (Thorne et al, 2011, p. 444). This shows how Pepsi developed to be an international corporation because Pepsi has been reaching many countries as much as they can and be part of their culture. Because of this, it has been told that the corporation comes in the success ranking of the world leading multinational companies at number 10 in the review of 2007 among top 50 companies in fortune ranking (2007 all-stars 2007, p. 39). Consumers all around the world seem to enjoy drinking Pepsi that comes in different kinds of product packing, such as cans, glass bottles, plastic bottles, etc. The corporation has been very succ essful in developing a marketing plan in order to reach a specific target market in each country. This demonstrates that Pepsi has the ability to interpret and adapt successfully to different national, organizational, and professional cultures, which is known as cultural intelligence (Thorne et al, 2011, p. 444). In addition, Pepsi has been very successful in promoting some of its brands in a certain culture that completely satisfy their consumers needs and wants. The corporation found several good ways to advertise and promote their new and current products of Pepsi in order to attract its consumers in a certain country. It can be on television, billboards, print ad (magazine), newspaper, or the Internet. The corporations social responsibility in a global environment will be discussed more in this paper. Popularity of Pepsi in Pakistan Old-fashioned glass bottles of Pepsi can be seen and found on the food streets or markets in major cities in Pakistan, such as Islamabad, Lahore, and Karachi. People do really enjoy drinking a glass bottle of cold Pepsi with a straw. That is what their Pepsi cola looks like. It is not similar to a can of Pepsi in the United States. It can be difficult to locate a regular can of Pepsi in Pakistan, not the glass bottle ones. It is because people are accustomed to living an old-fashioned life. Major cities and even small towns of Pakistan tend to be very traditional and old-fashioned. Seeing so many Pepsi bottles in almost every store indicates that the most popular soft drink certainly has dominated the market by the corporation. Coca cola is Pepsis major competitor that does exist and sell its products in the country. However, regarding the popularity of Pepsi, Ghazi Akhtar Khan who is currently a managing director of Pepsis local bottle in Lahore, Pakistan and he explained his reason why Pepsi is number one soft drink in the nation. He said that Pepsis share of the market for carbonated soft drinks is currently sixty-five percent while Coca cola only has thirty percent, which makes Pepsi the leading soft drink in the country (Wright 2010). According to Khan, the statistics proved that the corporation has sold 240 million of 24 Pepsi bottles each in the country in the past year while the competitor only sold around 140 million (Wright 2010). This fact and statistics demonstrate why Pepsi remains very popular and people prefer to purchase and consumer Pepsi than other well-known brands or competitors, such as Coke, Mountain Dew, Fanta, etc. Culture and Language Pakistans culture is completely different compared to the culture here in the United States. People in the United States normally wear t-shirts, blue jeans, and sneakers. However, the way people live and work in Pakistan can be quite different as well. The way people dress is called shalwaz kameez, which is an Urdu word for traditional clothing. This demonstrates that certain kinds of cloths in a specific culture create some meanings from cultural artifacts (Martin Nakayama, 2004). The Pepsi Corporation should be familiar with their culture because when they would like to advertise a new product from Pepsi, they need to feature a Pakistani woman wearing shalwar kameez in their Pepsi ad. That way, when people see the new ad of the Pakistani woman drinking a glass bottle of Pepsi in her shalwar kameez, they really can feel related to this ad because wearing shalwar kameez is part of their cultural and traditional clothing. This is a good way for the Pepsi Corporation to understand their culture and get involved with their culture. Language can be described as the mirror of the culture which contains the spoken words and non-spoken communication as the gestures, body language, and the eye contact (Czinkota Ronkainen 1998, p.67). People in one whole country or one specific location usually speak the exact same language and that is the only way that they can understand each other. Sometimes, they do use hand or body gestures when communicating with each other. In addition, it can be defined as the language in terms of high and low context cultures where people use the direct and clear langue in low context and in some other society people use the expressions or most of the information spread as unsaid (Morrison, 2002). Urdu is an official language of Pakistan where almost everyone knows, understands, reads, and speaks Urdu only. However, English is considered as the second language in the country-they do have signs, billboards, or any kind of advertisement that are read and written in English but it is more like British English. For example, they frequently see or read words such as favourite or colour, instead of favorite or color. Therefore, it is very important for the corporation to know the main language as well as English so they can advertise Pepsi in their language and English language. Religion It is extremely important to acknowledge the importance of religion because it impacts peoples habits, their outlook on life, the products they buy, the way they buy them, even the newspaper they read (Cateora Ghauri 2000, p. 111). Islam is the main religion that everyone in Pakistan follows and practices. Muhammad was the last prophet that created the religion of Islam.