Wednesday, August 7, 2019

The Courthouse Hotel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Courthouse Hotel - Essay Example At the Courthouse Hotel, individuals in management positions felt that there were no opportunities for further achievement. For this reason, turnover rates at the Courthouse Hotel are high. Turnover in this form is detrimental to the entire morale of the organisation. Staff witness unsatisfied co-workers quitting their jobs because of the assumption that in terms of personal avenues for success, the company is a dead-end. As a consequence, the entire group suffers lack of confidence in the organisation. The Courthouse Hotel has poor retention rates. People resourcing and hiring practises are faulty and disordered. Staff persons are employed on an as-needed basis, which means the hotel uncertainly staffed, insufficiently prepared for business or anticipated business growth. As the current people resourcing practise stands, the hotel will not succeed. Hiring procedures will not meet the needs of a sixty percent growth in trade. In terms of staff already employed by the hotel, these employees show no little satisfaction with their jobs. Employees ponder the improved flexibility and conditions offered by the national and international hotel chains in town. Facing company change, the new business owner should fear leave-taking. Unless assured of their future success with the Courthouse Hotel, the current staff will leave before the fruits of renovations are encountered. The acute fault of peo... II. Recommendations A). Management Strategy Based upon the observed framework of the old hotel and the future needs of the renovated hotel, staff stability must be fortified. Considering the anticipated sixty percent growth of trade, the continuation of present employees is desired for sheer capatown of staff. The strategy suggested to the new owner of the Courthouse Hotel is the Ashridge Mission Model (. This model comes from the Cultural School of Strategic Management, teaching that the organisation must function as a cohesive unit, succeeding internally as well as externally (Mintzberg 2005). The company mission is a strategic tool to provide unity of direction and confidence of staff. The strengths of the Ashridge Mission Model counter the defects of the Courthouse Hotel. Pertaining to Stability of Tenure, the 'Mission' of the model is intended to motivate staff to excellent performance, thereby instilling confidence in their position. Pertaining to Unity of Direction, or the inaccessibility of staff feeling was inaccessible to all staff, the Ashridge model's strength is in its Mission Statement. The Mission Statement "provides a sense of direction" and is intended to "refocus an organisation during crises."(Ashridge) Although reorganisation is not a crisis, the incapatown of the current management to facilitate change while reinforcing staff morale is an acute predicament. The shared values provide unity among employees and improve their Espirit de Corps. The value in using this model to restrategise people resourcing is clear. Employees have reason to lack morale and confidence in their management team, also confidence that they will retain their jobs. The have little motivation to do so.

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